Andrew Johnston
Listener – March 24, 2007

Language and literature run in poet Andrew Johnston’s family. His father was an English lecturer and his grandfather a newspaperman. After 10 years in France, Johnston has come home and published a new book, Sol, which includes “The Sunflower”, a long, impressive elegy to his father.… More,,,
Terrorism, the Novel
Listener – Aug 13, 2005
INCENDIARY, by Chris Cleave (Chatto & Windus)

It was horrific happenstance that Chris Cleave’s debut novel Incendiary, which imagines the grief caused by a fictional terrorist attack at a London football ground, was released in Britain on the same day that real suicide bombers struck London.… More,,,
The Survivor
The Dominion Post, January 17, 2004
Poor sales, even death, couldn’t stop Geoff Cochrane.
“When I go to church nowadays, I find it disappointing,” Geoff Cochrane says while we eat lunch at his mother Patricia’s house in Levin. “You never went as an adult,” Patricia retorts. “But I did want to join a monastery .… More,,,
Johnny Devlin
Listener – October 21, 2000

“Are we having funnn!” implores “The Legend” . “Yeaah,” chant the dancers. “You little beauuutees,” cries this country’s first rock’n’roll star Johnny Devlin.
“We” are at the Levin Cossie Club at Johnny’s Shake Rattle & Roll Dance Show. About a dozen dancers, including photographer Janet Bayly and myself, are on the dancefloor.… More,,,